Wednesday 10 August 2016

Some tricks for all browsers

To access your address bar directly: PressF6orCtrl+L.
6. To access blocked web page: Go to Google Translate, paste the URL, select source language as other language, select destination language as the web page’s language, clickTranslate. Free web proxy.
7. To close a tab:Middle clickon it.
8. To view articles with slideshows or multiple pages: PressPrintorCtrl+P.
9. To open all web pages of a bookmark folder:Middle clickon the folder.
10. To reset to the default Window size of your web page after zooming: PressCtrl+0.
11. To highlight text in a web page: Click on the starting point, then pressShift+Clickon the ending point. No more mouse dragging especially long text highlights.
12. To fit more bookmarks: Removeall text. Only the favicon is visible now.
13. You can undo send your mail in Gmail. Turn it on now just in case!
14. When researching products, type[product name] vsto compare with their rival products.

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