Sunday 30 April 2017

Hear PDF files loud in Adobe Reader

Here is a simple trick to listen data in pdf file via Adobe Reader.

1. Open PDF file in Adobe Reader.
2. Go to View > Read out loud > Click on Activate Read Out Loud. Alternatively use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Y.

3. Now go to View > Read out loud > Click on Read this page only or either use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V.

4. For reading to the end of the document go to View > Read out loud > Click on Read to end of Document or either use
the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B.

Might it will helpful for you.

How to share movies, music, files and data between two laptops.

Pendrives are very useful device in our daily life, without pendrives it become tough situations to share data. Suppose you need to share data with your friend but you haven't any pendrive to transfer data with your friend, so i will give you a trick to share data and files from one laptop to other without using pendrive.

Minishare is one of the most lightweight software for sharing data between two computers. Minishare transfers your data from your browser. Just add your files in Minishare you wanna share with another user Laptop . This is simple and easy to use and working in every situation.

Download Minishare Software from its Official Website. Install this software in your Window Computer and proceed to below steps.
1. Download, install and open Minishare Software in your PC. Choose your Local IP.(eg: 192.1168.137.1)
2. Add Files in Minishare for Sharing Files between Two Computers.
3. Now you see your added files in Minishare Program.
4. Open Second(Other) laptop web browser and type the IP address you selected in Minishare.(If you forget the IP address see Minishare program in First PC, Minishare always shows current IP in title bar.)
Just click on any files and your file will we started downloading in your PC.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Lock and unlock your computer with a Pendrive

1. Download Predator USB software from its Official Website.

2. Install and Launch this software in your window PC.

3. When you launch this software first this software asks you to set the password.

4. Set your password and click on Ok button. (Make sure your Pendrive is connected to your PC.)

5. Now this software is ready for locking your computer from Pendrive.

6. Open Predator Settings

Here you set time interval according to your needs.The default time interval is 30 seconds.
If you remove Pendrive from your computer you computer will be locked in 30 seconds.

When you remove Pendrive from your computer your computer asks you enter your password with the warning.

If you do not enter the correct password, you computer screen goes black with access denied message.

Start Automatically Predator Software When you Start your PC

If somehow this software not automatically started when you start your computer then add this software in your startup folder.

1 Press Win+R, type shell:startup and press enter.

2. Now add Predator Shortcut icon in Startup Folder. You can copy it from the desktop.

PREDATOR protects its own in-memory process. Nobody can stop it with Ctrl-Alt-Del. PREDATOR can sound an audible alarm if somebody enters an invalid password.

You can also see logs for all messages, warnings, fail login attempts and all other information.

Sunday 4 December 2016

How to enable offline Gmail.

Offline Gmail is available to everyone who uses Gmail in US or UK English, so if you don’t see it under the Labs tab yet, it should be there soon. Once you see it, just follow these steps to get started:

1. Click Settings and click the Labs tab.
2. Select Enable next to Offline Gmail.
3. Click Save Changes.
4. After your browser reloads, you’ll see a new “Offline0.1″ link in the upper righthand corner of your account, next to your username. Click this link to start the offline set up process and download Gears if you don’t already have it.
When you hit save, Gmail will synchronize new messages you didn’t have downloaded before and remove the ones you’re not planning to read from your hard drive. You can always change your settings back to keep fewer or moremessages later on — fewer messages means Offline Gmail runs faster.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

How to check your antivirus is real or fake.

Hello friends, how are you. I hope you are enjoying tricks on my blog, We are very happy to share tricks with you and we promise you to share as much tricks as we can. Today we have one new trick for you to check your antivirus. This trick will help you check that your antivirus is real or fake or you can say that your antivirus is working or not , here are some steps just follow them and enjoy
First of all press WINDOWS KEY + R to open run command and write NOTEPAD here to open notepad.
Now copy and paste the below code into your notepad.
After that press CTRL + Sto save this file, here save this file as W2H.vbson your DESKTOP
If your antivirus is real then it can allow you to save this file on your desktop i.e. It will detect as virus and delete it and if your antivirus is fake then it will allow you to save this file.

Monday 26 September 2016

How to lock any app in your PC.

Hello friends, now we have a trick which you used to have just for your mobiles/smartphones/tablets……But now things have changed…We have found a chunk of software that will do the same with your PC/LAPTOP. Yep,
you got it…..we are going to lock the input of computer i.e. Keyboard and mouse..
Toddler Keys is the software which will allow you to easily lock your desktop and will keep it safe from children…Download it here and install it.
And when the installation is complete..right click on tray icon and click onLock Keyboard/Mouse.That`s it you are done.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Compress 1gb file into 10mb using KGB ARCHIVER.

Imagine that situation when your PC’s hard disk is full and want to store more files but don’t want to delete a single file from your hard disk , then what to do? In this situation all you have to do just compress all big files. Not only this reason there are several reasons when we need to compress the big files. Actually, compressing a file means decrease the size of a file without losing a single system file from it. So if you faced problem with your big sized files and want to compress it in small size but don;’t know how then read this article because today in this article we are going to show you how to compress 1 GB files into 10 MB using KGB archiver.
There are hundreds of software’s are on internet,through which you can compress the files and decrease their size but majorities are fake or had a viruson it. One of them is WinRAR, this tool can compress our file by 10% and it will decrease the size of our files by 10% (Maximum). So in this case KGB archiver is the best option to compress any big file because this tool can compress any file up to 90%.

Advantages of KGB Archiver Software:
* This software is total free of cost.
* Small in size and Easy to Use.
* Activation does not required.
* It can create a password protected compress file.
* 90% compression rate
* compatible with many extension

Steps to Compress 1 GB File into 10 MB using KGB Archiver Software
Here are some simple procedure to compress a file using KGB Archiver Software
* First of all, Download the software from the above links.
* Install it on your PC, Then Open theKGB Archiver Software.
* Select “Compress Files” option and click next.
* On the next tab, select the folder or path where you want to save the compressed file and give a name of the file.
* Then select the Compression level from Normal toMaximumand leavearchive format as KGB.
* Select that file which you want to Compress by Click on Add File option.
* After doing all this steps, Click on Next, file compression process will start.This will take several minutes, depend on your file size.
* That’s all. You can use this tool to extract the compressed file at any time.